Horse-drawn carriage ride through the vineyard.Lezaun Jatetxe winery is in the wine region area of Navarra
Bodegas Lezaun Jatetxe is located in Lácar, municipality of Valle de Yerri, belonging to the province of Navarra. Among the wines of this winery, we find of the D.O. of Navarra.
Guided tour of the winery with an explanation of the winemaking tradition and the current winemaking process, a tour of the different areas of the winery, winemaking, aging and bottling.
Guided tour through the different areas of the winery in which the winemaking tradition of the area is explained as well as the current winemaking process followed by the winery. At the end of the tour, visitors can enjoy a brief introduction to wine tasting, in which the organoleptic qualities of a wine, visual, olfactory and gustatory, will be explained.
On the tour, you are introduced to the world of organic farming and biodynamic cultivation.
Harvest, lunch in the vineyard with txistorra sausage and grilled garden products, followed by manual grape selection and destemming.
In this winery, you will be able to taste the gastronomy of Navarra.