Explore the wine of Zamora.
- In Zamora we can find 30 wineries to visit.
- 13 towns here have wineries.
In the province of Zamora, you will find 29 wineries to visit, the majority of which belong to three wine routes that run through Zamora: Toro, Arribes, and the Zamora Wine Route. Out of the 12 localities with wineries offering wine tourism, Toro is clearly one of the best wine destinations and also a general tourist hub due to the beauty of its historic and heritage ensemble.
Equally significant and deeply connected to wine is the area known as "Comarca de Los Arribes Zamoranos," near the town of Fermoselle, with its traditional architecture. Also, the Valles del Benavente region offers wines with protected designation of origin (PDO).
In this province, you can taste wines from four different designations of origin, crafted using the most common grape varieties of the region, which usually include Tinta de Toro, Tempranillo, and Juan García.
Wine enthusiasts keen on understanding the history and production processes can expand their knowledge about this culture at the Valbusenda Wine Museum and the Pagos del Rey Museum.
Those who not only appreciate fine wine but also indulge in fine dining should not miss the festivals celebrating cherries, bread, and asparagus.
As for its historical and artistic heritage, the Silver Route passes through Zamora, and it's no surprise considering it's the city with the highest concentration of Romanesque temples in Europe.
Nature lovers can explore the Arribes del Duero Natural Park or enhance their visit with boat trips along the river.