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Wine tours in Teso la monja winery | 4Vides
Teso la monja winery
Winery in

España, Zamora, Valdefinjas

Visit Teso la monja winery

Old vines before phylloxera.
Teso la monja winery is in the wine region area of Toro

Teso la monja is in the town of de Valdefinjas, in the region of Zamora.

Teso la monja winery wine tours and prices


Visita a la bodega

  • Wineyard

: 85,00€ + info
  • 1 Wine tours

Location Teso la monja:

Paraje Valdebuey Polígono 1, Parcela 1416, Valdefinjas(Zamora)

Outstanding wineries in Valdefinjas

On top of a hill, fresh air and breathtaking views of the region.

Tours from: 33€

Nearby towns

+ Info