Beautiful winery in Fuentelcésped, Burgos, with visits plus two wines at a very attractive price.Pascual winery is in the wine region area of Ribera del Duero
In the town of Fuentelcésped, in the province of Burgos, is Pascual. Among the wines of this winery, we find the D.O. Ribera Del DueroApart from its wines, you will have the opportunity to taste its gastronomic proposal. And for those who have pets, you are in luck, because you can come to this winery with them.
Visit with tasting included in which two wines are tasted with a cheese tapa.
Available hours
Horarios de visita
Lunes a viernes de 9h a 15h
Sábados de 10h a 14h
Domingos y festivos(consultar)
Duración de la visita: 1 hora / 1 hora y media
Es aconsejable estar 5 minutos antes de la hora para empezar las visitas con puntualidad.
Ctra. Aranda, km 5 Fuentelcésped(Burgos)