A fusion of tradition and modernity.y Viñedos Carrillo de Albornoz winery is in the wine region area of Arlanza
In the town of Avellanosa de Muñó, within the region of Burgos, is located Bodegas y Viñedos Carrillo de Albornoz.
If you want to breathe the pure air of the vineyard and get a more direct experience with the grape in its natural state, this visit includes a vineyard tour in addition to the winery visit and wine tasting.
Classic wine tourism experience that never disappoints: winery visit with wine tasting.
Highly recommended experience only for those winelovers who are solely interested in focusing their attention on wine tasting.
Available hours
Camino Tras Eras nº 2, Avellanosa de Muñó Avellanosa de Muñó(Burgos)