Traditional and signature wines and aromatic olive oil in Rioja Alavesa.Loli Casado winery is in the wine region area of Rioja Alavesa
¿Do you want to visit wineries in Rioja Alavesa?
Well, we invite you to come and see us in Lapuebla de Labarca. Come and discover the different experiences you can have with us at Bodegas Loli Casado: you can learn about our history, discover how we make our unique wines from the old vineyards planted by my grandfather, taste our wines Jaun de Alzate and Polus, or even enjoy our themed Nativity scene.
What are you waiting for? Come visit us and discover our family winery and our wines. We are less than 7 km from Laguardia, in Rioja Alavesa.
Winery Tour + Tasting of 4 wines and Olive Oil + Outdoor Appetizer.
Visit + Tasting of 4 wines and Olive Oil + Appetizer + Card game.
Vineyard Tour + Tasting of 4 wines + Lunch.
Vineyard Tour + Wine and Pintxo + Tasting of 2 wines and Olive Oil + Appetizer.
Available hours
Consultar horarios en cada servicio.
Avda. de la Póveda, 46 Lapuebla de Labarca(Álava)
Walled winery, privacy and relax for parents with children.
Tours from: 10€
From Lapuebla of all life, locals attached to the land who make wine with their own hands.
Tours from: 12€
Wine tourism in Lapuebla de Labarca, a charming village in La Rioja Alavesa.
Food & wine plus cultural tourism in La Rioja.