Winery of modern architecture, glazed, with spectacular views of the Galician landscape, highly recommended for holding events.Vionta winery is in the wine region area of Rías Baixas
Bodegas Vionta is located in the town of Meaño, in the province of Pontevedra. The D.O. Rias Baixas qualifies the wines of this winery. If you are on a weekend break or visiting the area, you are in luck, because this winery offers accommodation. And for those with pets, you are in luck, because you can come to this winery with them.
Available hours
Parroquia de Simes, Lugar Axis s/n Meaño(Pontevedra)
Varied and economical wine tourism.
Tours from: 15€
Wine tourism in Pontevedra, highly recommended, 5 wines for 10 euros, irresistible.
Tours from: 14€
Orange wines, Atlantic wines.
Tours from: 15€
One of the few wineries in the Rías Baixas that you can visit for free.