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Wine tours in Bodegas La Cigarrera winery | 4Vides
La Cigarrera winery
Winery in

España, Cádiz, Sanlúcar de Barrameda

Visit La Cigarrera winery

Guided tours by a graduate in tourism, in the charming town of Sanlúcar de Barrameda.
La Cigarrera winery is in the wine region area of Jerez

A fundamental pillar of our project is the dissemination of the culture of our wines and the history of our people, which is why we decided, a few years ago, to open the winery to tourism and the general public.

La Cigarrera winery images

bodega Bodegas La Cigarrera
bodega Bodegas La Cigarrera
bodega Bodegas La Cigarrera
bodega Bodegas La Cigarrera
bodega Bodegas La Cigarrera

La Cigarrera winery wine tours and prices


Visit to the winery

The visit to the winery is very professional, since it is conducted by a graduate in tourism who will introduce the winelovers to the history of the winery and the peculiarities of its wine in English and Spanish.

: 3 Wines : 20 Minutes : Gruops of 1 to 25 pax : 10,00€ + info
  • 1 Wine tours
  • Food service

Available hours

De lunes a Viernes: 11:00 h. Inglés. 13:00 h. Español
Sábados: 12:00 h. Español.
Domingos y tardes consultar disponibilidad y precio.

Location Bodegas La Cigarrera:

PLAZA MADRE DE DIOS S/N Sanlúcar de Barrameda(Cádiz)

Outstanding wineries in Sanlúcar de Barrameda

Tasting tour includes free admission to the Manzanilla Museum.

Excellent wine tourism offer, among its many services, we highlight the country breakfast and night visits.

Tours from: 19€

Ideal for beginners in Manzanillas and Marco de Jerez wines.

Tours from: 15€

In this winery, wine is tasted in a wineskin.

Tours from: 40€

Nearby towns

+ Info