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Wine tours in Jose Estevez winery | 4Vides
Jose Estevez winery
Winery in

España, Cádiz, Jerez de la Frontera

Visit Jose Estevez winery

Andalusian aesthetic winery with a contemporary art museum.
Jose Estevez winery is in the wine region area of Jerez

Jose Estevez is located in Jerez de la Frontera, in the province of Cadiz. The D.O. Jerez-Xérès-Sherry qualifies the wines of this winery, do not miss its wine museum. Also, at the end of the tour, you can buy wines in the physical store of the winery. If you want to celebrate a personalized event here, this winery offers this kind of services.

Jose Estevez winery images

bodega Jose Estevez
bodega Jose Estevez
bodega Jose Estevez
bodega Jose Estevez
bodega Jose Estevez
bodega Jose Estevez
bodega Jose Estevez
bodega Jose Estevez
bodega Jose Estevez

Jose Estevez winery wine tours and prices


Vista completa

Full view plus tasting.

: 4 Wines : 120 Minutes : 40,00€ + info
  • 1 Wine tours
  • Wine store
  • Museum
  • MICE

Available hours

De lunes a Viernes de 10 a 14 horas. Tardes, Sábados, Domingos y festivos deben concertar visita.

Location Jose Estevez:

CARRT. N-IV, KM 640 Jerez de la Frontera(Cádiz)

Outstanding wineries in Jerez de la Frontera

Wines and brandies since 1750.

Wines and brandies paired with the Jerez gastronomy of La Taperia Fundador.

Tours from: 15€

Andalusian style wine tourism, we recommend the sherry-cooking experience, with a visit to the local market.

Tours from: 10€

Premium visits with VORS wines.

Tours from: 20€

Nearby towns

+ Info