Winery with modern architecture, three kilometres from Cigales.Salvueros winery is in the wine region area of Cigales
Bodega Salvueros is located in Mucientes, belonging to the province of Valladolid. Among the wines of this winery, we can find those with the Cigales Designation of Origin (D.O.).
Hotel with spa and restaurant with beautiful views, which also has a winery and offers wine activities very connected to nature. Spectacular tasting room.
Visits from: 15€
Cheese and chocolate pairings that will melt your taste buds.
Visits from: 8€
One of the few wineries on the Cigales route that offers tasting on the vine among its wine experiences.
Visits from: 15€
It presents one of the most original eno-experiences in the area: wine and jazz sunsets with accommodation. Ideal for romantic visits.
Visits from: 15€