Wines from Segovia with suckling lamb, a real highlight.
- In Segovia we can find 2 wineries to visit.
- 2 towns here have wineries.
The wines of Segovia usually have the designations of origin Ribera del Duero and Valtiendas; the latter belong to the region of the same name.
There is also a very well-known winery in the area called Blancos de Nieva, which has wines with D.O. Rueda, and which is famous in Segovia for having made one of the first organic wines in the province.
For lunch, we recommend roast suckling lamb or suckling pig. For dessert, there is a sweet that may sound strange but which is very typical of the area: soplillos.
Apart from wine, these areas of Castile often have typical alternative drinks (such as resolí in Cuenca), and in Segovia it is called ponche segoviano (Segovian punch).
Those on the Ribera del Duero route can stop in the town of Montejo de la Vega de la Serrezuela, where you will find the Severino winery, which offers a tricolour tasting: rosé, white and red; in the white tasting, you will taste the albillo grape. This winery also offers you the chance to visit a Roman wine press.