Tempranillo and Merlot wines grown on land in different areas of Valladolid, make its reserves one of the most awarded of the Ribera del Duero.Briego winery is in the wine region area of Ribera del Duero
Briego is located in the town of Fompedraza, in the province of Valladolid. In this winery, we can enjoy wines from the D.O. Ribera Del Duero.
This winery opens its doors for you to taste its Ribera del Duero.
Carretera de Cuéllar 5. 47311 Fompedraza(Valladolid)
In-depth visit to the winery and vineyard, and tasting with local tapas, for only 10 euros, it is really worth going.
Tours from: 20€