With excellent rosés, typical of the Cigalés designation of origin, in the last decades they have opted for the production of red wines.Valdelosfrailes winery is in the wine region area of Cigales
In the town of Cubillas de Santa Marta, within the region of Valladolid, is located Bodega Valdelosfrailes.
The Cigales Designation of Origin, a place where wine is a treasured tradition passed down through generations with its century-old vineyards. We will get to know and taste the deeply rooted way of crafting our rosé, in front of the vineyard that surrounds our winery, and the lesser-known reds that surprise with their elegance and harmony.
A visit to the winery and vineyard, with special emphasis on explaining the different grape varieties that make up the Cigales Designation of Origin (D.O.). Afterward, you will taste three of their wines: a rosé, an aged (crianza), and a reserve.
Ctra de Cubillas de Santa Marta s/n, Cubillas de Santa Marta(Valladolid)
One of the few wineries on the Cigales route that offers tasting on the vine among its wine experiences.
Tours from: 15€