Own philosophy, precision oenology.Tomàs Cusiné winery is in the wine region area of Lleida
Bodega Tomàs Cusiné is in the town of de El Vilosell, in the region of Lérida.
Bodega Tomàs Cusiné is located in the town of El Vilosell, in the province of Lérida. The D.O. Costers del Segre qualifies the wines of this winery. In this winery, you can also taste its wines accompanied by local gastronomy. Be sure to visit its wine museum.
Available hours
Horarios de martes a domingo, de 10:00 h. a 14:00 horas (preferiblemente, con reserva). Otras opciones, a convenir.
Plaça San Sebastià, 13 El Vilosell(Lérida)