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Wine tours in Bodega Pago de la Jaraba winery | 4Vides
Pago de la Jaraba winery
Winery in

España, Albacete, Villarrobledo

Visit Pago de la Jaraba winery

Excellent option for those who love agritourism and the combination of wine with oil and cheese. In addition to the oil mill, visit their sheep and milking parlor.
Pago de la Jaraba winery is in the wine region area of La Mancha

In the town of Villarrobledo, within the region of Albacete, is located Bodega Pago de la Jaraba.

Pago de la Jaraba winery images

bodega Bodega Pago de la Jaraba
bodega Bodega Pago de la Jaraba
bodega Bodega Pago de la Jaraba

Pago de la Jaraba winery wine tours and prices


La Ruta de los Sabores de La Jaraba

  • Oil
  • Cheese

: 120 Minutes : 25,00€ + info

Paisajes del Sabor 1

  • Oil

: 120 Minutes : Gruops of 4 to 6 pax : 80,00€ + info

El encanto del vino

  • Wineyard
  • Cheese

: 2 Wines : 150 Minutes : Gruops of 4 to 16 pax : 40,00€ + info
Special service

El tesoro Quesero

: 1 Wines : 120 Minutes : Gruops of 4 to 16 pax : 40,00€ + info

La Ruta de los Sabores: del plato a la mesa

  • Oil
  • Cheese

: 120 Minutes : 50,00€ + info

Paisajes del Sabor 2: del plato a la mesa

  • Oil

: 120 Minutes : Gruops of 4 to 6 pax : 140,00€ + info
  • 6 Wine tours

Available hours

De lunes a domingo.

Location Bodega Pago de la Jaraba:

Crta. Nacional 310, km 142,7 Villarrobledo(Albacete)

Outstanding wineries in Villarrobledo

As a differentiating feature, they use earthenware jars made by local artisans to produce young and varietal wines.

Artisan winemaking, using the techniques and traditions of the 1960s, handed down from generation to generation to bring them into the 21st century.

Tours from: 8€

Nearby towns

+ Info