Heart of Leon wine.
- In León we can find 19 wineries to visit.
- 10 towns here have wineries.
Here, in León, you can find wines from the D.O. León or Tierra de León.
At the gastronomic level, you can not leave without tasting or buying for home the cecina de León, and without eating a good cocido maragato, with imperial figs or nicanores de Boñar for dessert.
Regarding wine tourism in León, at least 18 wineries open their doors to all visitors to taste their wines in the province of León, through which the Bierzo route passes, and where, of the 9 towns with wineries with wine tourism, the most important is Villa Franca del Bierzo, with 5 wineries to visit.
The Silver Route and the Way of St. James also pass through these lands of Leon, so if you make the way, it will not hurt to stop at one of the wineries of El Bierzo, some of which have cave paintings in which the wine is bred or aged inside the needle wine.
At the Godelia winery, you will have the fantastic opportunity to taste the Doña Blanca grape variety, a true rarity of Bierzo.
We must also highlight the Estefanía winery in Ponferrada, as some of its wines have achieved very high scores on the Parker Scale.