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Wine tours in Bodegas Solar de Urbezo winery | 4Vides
Solar de Urbezo winery
Winery in

España, Zaragoza, Cariñena

Visit Solar de Urbezo winery

Landscape artists and nature lovers are invited to enjoy the flowering of the vineyard.
Solar de Urbezo winery is in the wine region area of Cariñena

Bodegas Solar de Urbezo is located in the town of Cariñena, in the province of Zaragoza. In this winery, we can enjoy wines from the D.O Cariñena.


In 1995, picking up the old family tradition, Santiago Gracia Ysiegas founded Bodegas Solar de Urbezo, with the aim of producing grapes from the vineyards that the Gracia-Campillo family owns in Cariñena, offering a total guarantee of quality and purity in their wines. The winery is located in the region of Aragon and 45 km from its capital, Zaragoza.

The wine culture in Cariñena is one of the oldest in Spain, dating back to the 3rd century B.C. when the Romans inhabited these lands. The cultivation of grapes has been maintained over the centuries, and continues to be fundamental in the way of life, economy and historical heritage of the area.

Solar de Urbezo winery images

bodega Bodegas Solar de Urbezo
bodega Bodegas Solar de Urbezo
bodega Bodegas Solar de Urbezo
bodega Bodegas Solar de Urbezo
bodega Bodegas Solar de Urbezo

Solar de Urbezo winery wine tours and prices


Visit Solar de Urbezo

Tasting of three wines, video, visit to the winery with a bottle as a gift.

: 3 Wines : 15,00€ + info
  • 1 Wine tours
  • Wine store

Available hours

Tienda de la bodega:
De lunes a viernes de 9:00 a 13:00 y de 15:00 a 17:30 horas.
Consultar disponibilidad para los sábados.

Location Bodegas Solar de Urbezo:

C/ San Valero, 14 Cariñena(Zaragoza)

Outstanding wineries in Cariñena

Taste "the wine of the stones" in their 4-star hotel, welcome to the gourmet wine tourism.

Discover the town of Cariñena (Zaragoza) visit their wine museum and cellar. All in one.

Tours from: 10€

Wine experiences gourmet.

Magnificent wines only 30 minutes from Zaragoza, in a 17th century baroque building.

Tours from: 15€

Nearby towns

+ Info