Varied range of carefully selected tastings, pay attention to the premium tasting and the flight tasting.Gómez Cruzado winery is in the wine region area of Rioja Alta
Bodegas Gómez Cruzado is located in the town of Haro, in the province of La Rioja. The D.O. Rioja qualifies the wines of this winery and offers food services.
Tasting of the winery's most exclusive wines: Gómez Cruzado Blanco, Reserva, Honorable and the Terroir Pancrudo, Cerro Las Cuevas and Montes Obarenes Selection wines.
Tasting in the barrel room of four wines from the Gómez Cruzado core family and the Terroir Selection with an aperitif and olive oil with La Rioja appellation of origin.
Spectacular wine tourism experience: beans, blood sausage, with fried peppers and lamb... Come and learn more about the wine and food of La Rioja.
Tours from: 25€
Top wine tourism, with commented tasting of four vintages, for wine enthusiasts.
Tours from: 18€
Classic weekend wine tourism.
Tours from: 20€
In a hot-air balloon or on a segway? Feel another way to experience wine.
Tours from: 25€