As their slogan says: "drinks with art, drinks with knack", come and visit them.Artomaña Txakolina winery is in the wine region area of Txakoli
Artomaña Txakolina is located in Artomaña , municipality of Amurrio, belonging to the province of Alava.The D.O. qualifies the wines of this winery. In this winery, you will also be able to taste its wines accompanied with the gastronomy of the area, among its services, you will be able to sleep in its facilities. And for those who have pets, you are in luck, because you can come to this winery with them.
Tasting of two txakolis and two pintxos created especially to pair with the wines.
Vermouth and craft beer, made with txakoli from their vineyards, plus two wines paired with four pintxos.
A winemaking family who has bet on the recovery of the Txacoli variety, very close to the impressive Nervión waterfall.